Vision Media - HP Print Lab Event
Exploring the science and technology behind HP Printers
A recap of HP first ever Print Lab event in Penang hosted by Vision Media

Behind the Scene -
Planning Stage
Our team working closely with HP to bring HP Science of Printing Workshop to Penang.
HP Print Lab event is an interactive event that gives participants a hands-on experience to explore the science behind HP innovative printing technology.
site Set up @ E&O Hotel
One day prior to the event start date our team and HP marketing team went on-site to to prepare the venue. This round our event is hosted at the scenic E&O Hotel right at the heart of Georgetown

Start of Event !
After arrival of all guest to the event, our event was officially started at 10am with an opening speech by our Sales Director along with special HP promotions exclusive for all attendees of the event
Interactive Events
Guest of the event participates in a series of events and challenges such as folding printed origamis and chemical reaction testing along with explanation from HP trainers on the science and reason behind these challenges.
This activities is to showcase to guest of the events the quality of HP print cartridges as compared to third party non original cartridges and its possible negative effects

Presentation on HP Latest Product Updates & Activites
During the events, there are also numerous sharing and presentations carried out by HP professional trainers and product managers on HP latest print products as well as HP efforts in

Group photos with all the participants of the events

Active participations by our guest during the interactives sessions

Group photos with HP Teams that came down to support us on the event
For those that are unable to join the event here are some informative videos on the items we have covered
Why Choose HP Original Supplies
Choose Original HP Ink Cartridges for consistent reliable and accurate printouts
Why faulty print out could cost the company much more...
70% of HP Printers technology and accuracy are in their toner cartridges. To ensure optimum performance of your printer it is important to use original HP Toner Cartridges.
HP Anti Counterfeit Program
Get tips on how to avoid counterfeit HP ink and toner cartridges.
Click on below link to find out more: